E-Learning 24/7 provides LMS consulting services to buyers and advisory and analyst services to e-learning vendors.

It's founder and CEO, Craig Weiss, is an e-learning expert, blogger, analyst and speaker. Recently he was named the second most influential person in the world for e-learning.

Craig writes the E-Learning 24/7 blog, which is read every week in 133 countries, territories and colonial territories.

Since he launched the blog in late 2009, his forecasts and projections on e-learning have been over 90% accurate.

Additionally, Craig has written for numerous publications, including Training and Development in Australia and ASTD’s Learning Circuits.  Craig also speaks at companies, events and conferences around the world.

Past presentations include Online Educa Berlin, Berlin, Germany, DevLearn, Las Vegas, NV, Unicorn Training Conference, London, UK (keynote). e.learning age, London, UK (keynote), [email protected], Sydney, AUS (keynote), LearnX Asia Pacific, Melbourne, AUS, EduTech (keynote), Moscow, Russia and DConf, Milan, Italy.